Experience the simplicity of our Sweet Bee Lavender Soap. Crafted in Northern Colorado, this soap combines the gentle hydration of olive oil with the natural goodness of locally-sourced beeswax.
Every ingredient, from alkanet root to local tallow, is chosen for its skin-loving properties. Together, they produce a smooth lather that cleanses while castor oil adds a hint of softness. If you want a clean, but warm and relaxing tallow soap, this is a good choice.
Our Sweet Bee Lavender Soap is scented with a blend of Lavender and lemon essential oils and natural fragrance. Give it a try!
*Soap tray sold separately.
Sweet Bee Lavender Soap
Directions for Use
For best results, lather soap between wet hands or a sponge, and gently cleanse your skin. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry. When not in use, keep your soap in a well-drained dish to prolong its life.